Today (March 19) is Spring equinox at 11:06 PM so here’s to first day of Spring! I’m quite busy painting for a couple of upcoming shows in addition to my day job at a local University. I am working on an interesting write-up about a piece I just finished and a location on the map I used. While I finish gathering the info and writing it up, here’s some recent paintings I’ve completed and a little bit about them.

Initial Climb: Northern Shoveler. This took me roughly six months of start/stop painting. I probably worked on this one in fits & starts because I was afraid of messing it up. So yeah, I breathed a big sigh of relief when I signed it.

Common Loon: North Creek, NY. This one was a commission piece I finished late in February.

Named this one – Mom! I did a small study of this one early in 2022 and wanted to do something more formal with it. I used a Beckley, West Virginia map as when I drive home to Northwest Florida I drive thru this area because of the gorgeous views.

Orchard Oriole: Defuniak Springs, FL. This one is from a photo taken by my best friend, Rob Coursey of Defuniak Springs, Florida. He takes the best bird photos and allows me to paint them.

Shaken, Not Stirred. This was a good opportunity to play with map arrangements in Photoshop before printing. The side borders were one the original map along one side. The map of Moravia, NY already had the aged yellow look so it was ready to go!